Saturday, January 3


New year was great. I got to spend time with my family and I think this is the first time we've ever went out to catch the fireworks display. Normally we'll just stay at home and watch TV or maybe Ihmran and I will go up to the roof :).

On new year's eve, my family and I went to watch Bedtime Stories and I tell ya, that movie is damn funny. Seriously the picture and preview didn't look that nice to me but the movie was great stuff. Adam Sandler and his jokes haih damn funny :). Well, since we were at KLCC, we decided to watch the fireworks.

There were many people everywhere including in the middle of the road and that reminded me of those zombie, virus or natural disaster movies where something bad happens and everyone evacuates their homes and end up walking on the street. hahaha.

The next day, Fassler and I was supposed to play futsal with Yew Jin and the form 5 fellas but Fassler couldn't make it. So I went alone. It was fun to meet those guys again after so long. Really great bunch of seniors :).

This was when everyone lined up at the goal and one fella will try and shoot the ball into the goal. After he shoots, all the fellas at the goal will chase after him, catch him and shoot him back! hahahha

Since it was Yew Jin's birthday eve, his friends decided to give him the 'traditional form 5 birthday bash'. hahaha Happy Birthday Khong! :)