Monday, January 5

First day of school.

Well, as you all know today was the first day of school. I finally got to meet my friends and all :). Today was my sister's first day in primary school as she entered standard 1 today. I wish her all the best in everything.

She seems to like school though unlike Ihmran and I who had problems during the first few days of school. :S. I remember the first week of school in standard 1, I used to fall down a lot of times. Seriously. I think during that time I wasn't comfortable wearing school shoes yet. So I lost my balance a few times and I fell, not to mention that I did cry a few times. hahahaha. kiddo what. lols.

Anyways, welcome to all the form 1s and everyone who is new in SBU. For me the first day of school was good. It was fun and all except that I try not to get to stressed being in my new class. I really do miss my friends (ok I sound gay). hahaha. :).

Hopefully this year will be a great year with many more fun stuff to come :).