Sunday, November 30

Green Light.

I'm back in KL now. It feels great to be home after so long. I had a great time at my grandma's place. I learned a few stuff here and there and the food was awesome! I wanna hire her maid lah. Cook food so damn nice! :) hahhaa. Well on Thursday, my bro and I were supposed to go home but then my mum's friend ajak-ed us to stay over their house till Saturday, so we stayed over and had loads of fun. Okay, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Day 1

Station Tiroi :)

Day 2

The fridgeee! hahha man, I'm so jakun! hahha

FUDO FUDO FUDO! hahah these are really good man! :)

Day 3

Ihmran :)

Day 4

His name is Hitam :), seriously. hahah damn racist right? haiyo luckily he x faham.

The big dog is the MOST USELESS SHIT ASS MOM I HAVE EVER SEEN!, anak nak minum x kasi. haiyo!

His name is Scooby :)

Ihmran and his Mini Durian!.

Uncle Iwan and Ihmran :)

Wah bang!, happy nampak! :p lols

Mat salleh cat; blue eyes! :)

Scooby again.

Again. hahah

Found this on the ground of my grandpa's farm! hahaha :)

Day 5

Frog eggs.

This is what Ihmran did : Dog and Cat in the SAME cage! hahahha he put the dog in!. The dog was scared of the cat, no idea why. BAPOK maybe! hahha jkjk :)

Wah, so nice sleeping lols :)

Cow! hahah :)

and more cows! hahaha

Ayam golek :), effing nice!

Uncle Iwan's birthday cake :)

Day 6

Balik time :( buuuuuuut.....

As I was waiting at the KTM station, I saw this : BODOH REMPIT FIKIRAN SEMPIT....



Saw this restaurant/pub in Bangsar! hahaha

The first time I saw two teams wearing the same jersey colour! hhahah so effing hard to see! lols

Meet Abdul Razak :)

Razak again! hahah :)

Sleeping over in my mum's friend's house in the attic. It was soooo cold, freezing like shit man! :S hahaha but nice la.

Ihmran the big brown bear! hahah

Ihmran and his HUMPster! hahha

Sally's Birthday cakes! Yummy! hahha ;)

Sally the Birthday Girl.

Sally cutting her cakes. hahha

Fass's chicken, Daniel's fish and my fish! hahha :)

Fass and his 2 HUMPsters! hahaha