Saturday, June 20

Interact ICC Meeting.

Woke up at 7.35 today because I wanted to for my first ICC meeting at Wesley Methodist School. Initially Chan and Kim told me that today's ICC meeting was the last meeting that we're gonna have till we step down from our posts but instead this is the second last one. Hehe. I'm happy that I get to go for another one.

It was interesting though as it was my first time. I finally knew what they talked about and all. Fun lah. Later on, I had to rush to tuition and I reached tuition late. Like about an hour and 10 minutes late. haha. But luckily today he didn't teach but instead he gave us EXAM PAPERS to do. We had Bio and Physics today and it was kinda hard though.

I'll upload the group picture from the ICC meeting when I get it yeah. Till then, :)